Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ponoko Rocks

I'd been a bit nervous of trying out the very cool Ponoko and then I met a Ponokoite and he gave me a two minute overview.  Deeply inspired I went home and with Miss R (age 6 3/4) we drew up some designs together and I loaded up Inkscape.

After about an hour we were ready to upload our designs to the Ponoko web site and began the exciting wait to see how they would come out.  We got update e-mails as the design was turned into our goodies and I went into their offices today to pick up our test run.

We got out the beads tonight, some leather twine and hey presto, personalised jewellery.  Can't wait to try out some more complex stuff now we've mastered the basics.  One more thing that technology lets me and my daughters learn together; nothing beats turning a paper design into a real world item!


  1. Fantastic job guys - I'm impressed ;)

  2. Nice.

    We were on the Ponoko trial last year, and Becky's been doing a bit of stuff since. Very satisfying.

  3. Cheers Johnny-j, we're just getting started!

    Neat Alan; any tips for us? Weird how we move from paper and scissors!

  4. I'm not the one to ask - I did one design for the beta but never submitted it. I've been meaning to get back to it... but...

    Becky's done a few quite cool things though.

  5. I'm now working on a masterpiece but I'm worried it'll be too big a file; still, we'll enjoy designing it!
